The vital force, consciousness, thought forms, metabolic processes, neurotransmitter production, and the endocrine and immunological functions of the human animal are a direct result of the functioning and vitality of the natural biome and its interface with his intestinal lining. The biome also includes the bacteria that cover the surface of our bodies and all mucous membranes.
Biome • Enzymes • Neurotransmitters • Immune Systems • Endocrine System
When the individual and their biome is in balance, health is maintained, systems are properly regulated, cognitive processes are in sync with reality, and vitality is felt.
i. Glyphosate induces selective bactericide preference to lacto-fermenting bacteria by interfering with their shikimic-acid pathway.
ii. The shikimic-acid pathway of all lacto-fermenting bacteria is disturbed due to interference in the creation of EPSP synthase. This enzyme is essential for the creation of Cytochrome P450-Enzymes (heme-dependent enzymes) needed in the liver to chelate heavy metals, create bile acids, and bile salts for fat emulsification, and in tryptophan production.
iii. Lacto-fermenting bacteria are responsible for the conversion of bile acids to bile salts and the synthesis of methionine, the precursor to glutathione, an important antioxidant.
iv. Displacement of normal bacterial populations leads to overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria or Candida. More specifically, Bifidobacteria are displaced resulting in overgrowth of Clostridium difficile, non-beneficial E. coli species, Salmonella, Pseudomonas, or Candida species. These species have the capacity to mutate and further develop antibiotic and glyphosate resistance by substituting their need for glycine by interjecting alanine, thereby rendering them glyphosate resistant. E. coli and salmonella can pump out glyphosate from within their cells. Methicillin resistant staphylococcus (MRSA) is equally resistant to glyphosate.
v. Acetobacter can metabolize glyphosate. Glyphosate toxicity invites over-population of this family of bacteria that synthesizes acetic acid which would be necessary in a high lactic acid environment when Bifidobacteria populations are reduced.
vii. Yeast/Candida overgrowth, however, can help in the detoxification process of heavy metals that the cells can no longer affect due to nutritional and enzyme dysfunction and lack of creation of glutathione. High Candida environments produce alcohol through their formation process.
viii. Glyphosate encourages the growth of the bacteria Desulfovibrio which are normal soil bacteria and are often used in bioremediation due to their ability to transform toxins. However, in the body they transform mercury in to methylmercury which increases its toxicity.
ix. Clostridia, Bacteriodetes, and Desulfovibrio species, during lactic acid fermentation, produce a high amount of propionic acid (PPA) and its related short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Elevated propionic acid levels can induce widespread effects on gut, brain, and behavior. Excess PPA and related SCFAs induces abnormal motor movements, repetitive interests, electrographic changes, cognitive deficits, perseveration, and impaired social interactions. Propionic acid induces neurochemical changes, including innate neuroinflammation, increased oxidative stress, glutathione depletion, and altered phospholipid/acylcarnitine profiles. PPA has bioactive effects on neurotransmitter systems, intracellular acidification/calcium release, fatty acid metabolism, tight junction gating, immune function, and alteration of gene expression.[i]
x. Glyphosate’s impact on the lacto-fermenting bacteria results in reduced levels of acetic acid which is a short-chain fatty acid produced by those bacteria from the oxidation of lactic acid. Acetic acid helps to maintain an alkaline pH and serves in the digestion of fats and carbohydrates. Glyphosate encourages an acidic environment (low pH) thereby encouraging Candida overgrowth. A healthy Bifidobacteria population in the small intestine keeps it in a more alkaline state (pH: 7-7.4).
xi. Acetate, acetic acid combined with an earth metal, is necessary to control overgrowth of yeasts and molds. Lactic acid is oxidized to acetic acid, then estered to form acetate. Lactobacillus or Bifidobacteria convert lactic acid to acetic acid thus controlling yeast and mold populations.
xii. Reduced lactobacillus encourages Clostridium difficile over-growth. The toxins released by the Clostridia species causes increase in pain levels and cerebral inflammation through depletion of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase. A deficiency of tyrosine hydroxylase leads to impaired conversion of dopamine to epinephrine of and norepinephrine. Excess dopamine manifests as progressive encephalopathy and a poor prognosis and neuronal burnout. Increased glutamate level is also a result of depleted tyrosine hydroxylase. As a result, the individual is in a constant state of excitement, cerebral inflammation, pain, and distress. This can also lead to schizophrenia.
xiii. Folate (B9) is a product of the shikimic-acid pathway from Bifidobacteria in the intestinal biome, or the food we eat and is an essential ingredient for neurodevelopment and neurotransmitter creation. The brain needs folate (B9), not folic acid which is the synthetic form. Glyphosate kills the bacteria that produce folate (B9). Synthetic folic acid is difficult to methylate. The enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) needed for the vitamin C dependent folic acid to folate (B9) conversion pathway is also glycine dependent. In those with MTHFR gene mutations this enzyme is not made. Excess folic acid is toxic to the liver and blood stream. Those individuals with the MTHFR gene mutations, whereby they cannot convert folic acid to folate (B9) or even methylate folate (B9) need to consume foods with high amounts of folate (B9) in addition to methionine supplementation to have the building blocks necessary to create sufficient neurotransmitters for healthy neurodevelopment. As glyphosate disrupts the shikimic-acid pathway in Bifidobacteria a natural consequence of glyphosate toxicity is folate (B9) deficiency.
xiv. Deficiency in folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12) leads to hyperhomocysteinemia due to the need of B9 and B12 to convert homocysteine to cystine in the methionine methylation pathway. Increased homocysteine levels increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, declining memory, poor concentration and judgment, and lowered mood. Women with high homocysteine levels find it harder to conceive and are at risk from repeated early miscarriage. Hyperhomocysteinemia has also been linked to migraines, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
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xv. Glyphosate causes interference in the glycine dependent digestive enzymes trypsin, pepsin and lipase specifically. The wheat proteins that form gluten, glutenins and gliadins, need trypsin to be digested. Fats need lipase. Hybridized wheat is especially high in gliadins which are relatively undigestible and instigate intestinal inflammation.
xvi. This class of wheat proteins, gliadins, which now cannot be digested, triggers the intestinal lining to upregulate zonulin excretion. This is a signaling molecule which normally critically regulates the tight junctions of the gut. Upregulation of zonulin opens the tight junctions in the intestinal lining and allows for the trafficking of bacteria, viral particles, antigens, and metabolites into the submucosa leading to system-wide inflammatory conditions.[ii] The enzyme trypsin is also needed to metabolize zonulin. Natural contraction of live polio in early childhood, an enterovirus, contracted via the fecal oral route, downregulates zonulin signaling and serves to maintain the tight junctions against other infectious agents throughout life.[iii]
xvii. Disruption in the healthy bacterial-dependent mucosal lining of the intestines leads to inflammation and breakage of the tight junctions between the lining’s cells. Inflammatory cytokines as a result of this breakage results in leaky gut syndrome, inflammatory bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. Via these gaps in the intestinal lining, undigested food passes directly into the circulatory system bypassing the normal route of portal vein to the liver.
xx. Leaky gut results in leaky brain where by these proteins and pathogens now attach to and degrade the blood-brain barrier exciting the inflammatory response in the brains’ immune system resulting in cerebral inflammation and neuropsychiatric disorders.
xxi. By adding the inflammatory agents of infectious disease in vaccines along with aluminum adjuvants into infants’ immune systems, in addition to inflammation already set up by glyphosate contaminated food, brain inflammation is exacerbated.
xxii. Glyphosate causes interference of the creation of the glycine dependent protein myosin which is coded in the RNA by GGC. Myosin is the smooth muscle protein involved in the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the large intestine, gallbladder, heart, and uterus. Its action allows for peristalsis of the bowels and in the gallbladder’s release of bile acids. Calcium exchange through the calcium channels in muscle cell membranes initiates activation of myosin contraction and relaxation. Myosin has an essential glycine residue which, in high concentrations of glyphosate, gets replaced with the amino acid alanine. If 2% of the glycine in a muscle fiber is replaced by alanine the contractibility goes down by 50%. Inactivity of the bowel, gallbladder, heart, and uterus leads to disfunction of these organs. As glyphosate also leaches calcium, deficiency, and its relationship with myosin, also contributes to intestinal smooth muscle inactivity. Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), most often induced by latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), present symptoms related to the relative ratio of myosin fiber types in skeletal muscles (slow or fast twitch muscles). This includes soreness, easy fatiguability of the muscles, and increased lactate accumulation in the muscles. Suppression of the immune system by activation of adenosine receptor sites triggers latent EBV and compounds system wide depletion of myosin activity.[iv]
xxiii. Insufficient bile release and poor gut motility can lead to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), excess Bifidobacteria growing in the wrong portion of the intestines. This leads to the development of food sensitivities and an increase in lactic acid and elevated histamine. This compounds intestinal inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. SIBO is common in children with autism. It is also a complication of Celiac disease or in those individuals who have previously taken a lot of antibiotics.
xxiv. Disruption of the biome reduces the conjugation of bile acids to bile salts in the intestines. Bile salts are needed to emulsify fat.
xxv. Disruption in biome leads to serotonin deficiency because of the disruption of the shikimic-acid pathway and the resultant deficiency of EPSP synthase needed to create tryptophan which is the precursor to serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Additionally, macrophages that come in to engulf the opportunistic bacteria soak up the tryptophan to make kynurenine as an inflammatory agent against these opportunistic bacteria.
xxvi. Deficiencies in serotonin and interference with its receptors sites leads to an increase in pain levels. Serotonin also induces motility of the intestines. Deficiency can also lead to depression, insomnia and constipation.
xxvii. Glyphosate toxicity of the mother and infant and resultant biome disruption and intestinal lining damage set the stage for vaccine introduced infectious disease agents to further propel the inflammatory responses in the brain. By their nature some infectious agents are neurotoxic, as they engage acetylcholine receptors (Clostridia species) or produce inflammation, spasms, or paralysis in the central nervous system or gastrointestinal track. (Clostridium tetani-Tetanus toxin (zinc dependent receptors), Whooping cough-Pertussis toxin, Diphtheria toxin, Poliovirus, Measles virus, Chickenpox virus (Herpes), etc.). Vaccination imports these viruses and compounds this problem.[v]
xxviii. Hemagglutinin is a protein found in the measles virus (measles is an RNA Virus). Measles viruses, and associated proteins, incubated on glyphosate mediums, also uptake glyphosate into their structure. The MMR vaccine derived glyphosate contaminated measles protein is difficult to breakdown. The antibodies produced as an immune response from the vaccine antigen target the measles hemagglutinin will also attack the brain’s myelin due to its similarity in structure to hemagglutinin. This inflammatory response is further propagated by aluminum adjuvant toxicity and all other glyphosate toxicity issues mentioned beforehand that encourage cerebral inflammation. The addition of mercury and aluminum in vaccines further drives neural toxicity and inflammatory responses.[vi] This molecular mimicry phenomena is exemplified through vaccines that are incubated on aborted fetal tissue cell lines: the similarity of the DNA in these tissues to our own drives auto-immune conditions.
xxix. The conclusion of this trajectory, with the potentiation of contamination of the food supply by glyphosate, the resultant destruction of the intestinal biome, immune system crippling, or auto-immune disease due to the toxic over load of vaccines with RNA viruses, and accompanying aluminum adjuvants and mercury preservatives, in developing immune systems is bleak.[vii]
[i] Derrick F. MacFabe, MD. Short-chain fatty acid fermentation products of the gut microbiome: implications in autism spectrum disorders. Microbobial Ecolology in Health and Disease. 2012. 10.3402/mehd.v23i0.19260.
[ii] Visser, Jeroen; Rozing, Jan; Sapone, Anna; Lammers, Karen; Fasano, Alessio (2009-05-01). Tight Junctions, Intestinal Permeability, and Autoimmunity Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes Paradigms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1165: 195–205.
[iii] Christine Stabell Benn. How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected. TEDxAarhus.
[iv] Pietrangelo T, Toniolo L, Paoli A, Fulle S, Puglielli C, Fanò G, Reggiani C. Functional characterization of muscle fibres from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: case-control study. Int. J. Immunopatholy Pharmacoly. 2009 Apr-Jun;22(2):427-36.
[vi] Derrick F. MacFabe, MD. Short-chain fatty acid fermentation products of the gut microbiome: implications in autism spectrum disorders. Microbobial Ecolology in Health and Disease. 2012. 10.3402/mehd.v23i0.19260.
[vii] Dr. Nancy Swanson. The Autism Epidemic: Data show correlations between increase in neurological diseases and GMOs. 4/6/2013.