Roundup the truth exposed. A 8 session course on glyphosate toxicity with Kate Birch, bonus sessions with Kim Elia and Maxina Ventura. 13 ACHENA approved CEUs.
This course is a must for every health care practitioner trying to understand why everyone is so sick
Click Here to watch the free preview here (1 hour 40 min)
Register for the course here $400 ($225 on sale) for all sessions. You must complete all course content and Quizes to get full credit.
Those who complete the course can register on this site as a practitioner.
Both Courses are ACHENA Approved for continuing education
Homeopathy World Community: Glyphosate Toxicity Compounding Disease Pathways by Kate Birch
Tuesday December 10, 10am Eastern time. Show will be recorded and posted for later viewing.
This is a FREE event, you do not have to register, but can attend the event on the day
This HEALTH INN SHOW has been ACHENA approved. By buying a ticket to this event you are eligible for CPD credits.
To get CPD credits register here:
Glyphosate, the biome, DNA,
RNA viruses,
neurotransmitters, and more.
4-hour two part prerecorded course. Presented by
Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH
Fee: £50 = 56€ = $65
Completion of this course can also certify you to be listed as a practitioner on this website.